How to Get a Big Name to Endorse Your Book

Jul 02, 2019

Once upon a time it was enough for an author to write a book. Those days are over for most of us. Today, the commercially successful author needs to have a platform — a solid foundation of professional activity that supports the sales and continued promotion of the book and author. Creating a platform that communicates your field of expertise and your credibility is paramount to your becoming a successful author.   

As you plan your platform, include business and professional associates who might provide endorsements for your book. Start as early as you can manage it, as it takes time to make contacts and get replies from busy, successful candidates. Make wish lists of people whose endorsements will give your book higher visibility and recognition. Get their contact information so you can make your request when your manuscript is polished enough to garner these all-important endorsements.       

One of the best ways to get your book noticed in a noisy marketplace is to get a bigger name to talk about, to recommend, or to endorse your book. 

You may be thinking, “I don’t know any famous people.” Or “Why would an important professional want to help me by blurbing my book?”

What is a blurb? How is it used? How does a self-publisher go about getting a big name to read and blurb their book?

A blurb is a short description of a book written and used for publicity purposes. Blurbs are usually high praise from another—and sometimes well-known—author, expert or celebrity. You’ve seen them, read them, and probably bought books because of them. They are usually placed on the back cover of a book, but sometimes a prestigious blurb is featured on the front cover. 

How to Query and Collect Cover Blurbs

It’s not hard to get endorsements if it’s done properly. In a moment of calm—and without censoring yourself—quickly write down the top five people that you would most like to endorse your book. Look at the list. Are there reasonable degrees of separation that would encourage you to pursue these endorsements? Any connection at all that would lead you to believe you could land any one of these big fish?

You don't need more than 2-3 solid blurbs, but you may have to go through a few queries before you get a "Yes". Network, ask around, and think big! Getting a celebrity endorsement, even a local one, can add to your credibility and help your book sales. You don’t need a super-famous household name, just someone in your niche or genre that your readers will recognize.  

Write respectful, passionate query emails to your prospects, asking if they might consider contributing an endorsement to your book. Let them know how you got their name, or why you admire their work and how it has influenced you. These people could be mentors or authors whose work you respect. They could be experts in your field, or celebrities who might be connected to your network. 

Approach your query as you would any other professional contact. Although your request is clearly for your benefit, it’s also a benefit to your influencer to have their name prominently featured on other authors’ covers too. Think of your bid as mutually beneficial, a win-win for both of you. 

Pursue your best chances for responses. If they agree, negotiate the details to send a few exemplary sample chapters by email for their review. It might take a few weeks for their response, so be patient. It’s okay to follow-up by email to tactfully ask if your prospects have had time to look at your material. Then move on. Be sure to send your supporters a copy of your book once it’s published, along with a thank you note. 

You can also identify possible influencers from other areas who sway others from their fields of expertise. Are there any well-known book review blogs in your category? How about podcasts that your (future) readers listen to? Any other, related social media influencers?

If you are targeting really BIG FISH, you can create a relationship by reading their books, placing reviews, engaging through social media or subscribing to their works. The very best way is to meet your influencer in person. There may be professional conferences, trade shows, or other venues listed on their websites where you can register or visit. 

I’ve had success landing endorsements and getting meetings by querying through email and also planning ahead to introduce myself at conferences. Mix it up and start early. Landing even one big name can make a big difference in making your book stand out.


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